What are all the normal tests done on a home before buying it?
e.g. asbestos, lead pipe, water table, septic tank, blah blah blah. What do I need to know? For the record, I’m planning on tearing out or at least trumping the oil heating system with a combo of solar paneling, wind and hydro turbine and geo-thermal system. But it will be my first home purchase
Big Hammer’s got it right.
What you will have to check varies a lot with location.
You’re spending a lot of $. Don’t skimp on a couple
of hundred that can save your a$$.
As to the alternate power systems you plan, be aware
that they’ll cost as much as the average house if
they’re to be expected to work.
(The Geo-Thermal system will need a soil survey and test
holes to determine if it’s practical.)
Bush= McCain=Clinton 9/11
Tags: asbestos, asbestos management plans, asbestos plans, asbestos plans of work, design, health, home, la_weight_loss_chat_rooms
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